Simon McCabe

WAPT. OSCP. OSWP. PGCert. BSc. Linux+. Security+.

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...Lian_Yu Writeup...



I browsed to the IP, and saw a rather nice looking ocean view! A default dirb search found nothing, nor did a Nikto search. An nmap scan had found port both 21 and 22 open - which would come in useful later on.

Next, I fired up GoBuster and used the medium wordlist that can be found in the /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster folder. This resulted in a hit for /island:


Highlighting the page, or viewing the source code shows the next clue: vigilante. This looked like a username. But now, we need a password to go with it.


Brute-force to Shell

I ran the following command:

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

This found a sub-directory named 2100. The source code suggested a .ticket file was available. I wont lie - I went down a few rabbit holes here, until I eventually figured the answer was in plain sight - .ticket was the extension we need.


I used another gobuster command to fuzz for the file we needed:

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x .ticket

This led to the following intriguing file.


After some confusion, it turned out to be base58. Yes, you read that correctly. I wasn't expecting that.

So now, we've got a username, and password. I tried to log in via SSH, which didn't work. But what did work, was FTP.

Browsing the home directory confirmed two users: slade + vigilante. There were 3 files in the vigilante folder.


Back to the drawing board. I went back to the vigilante folder and this time, displayed hidden files within filezilla. Do'h!!!



I downloaded all the files. The most obvious was the "Leave_me_alone.png" file. The magic header was wrong, and needed changing to that of a png file. This made the file viewable. The file displayed a "password" which would come in useful for the next step.

The next step took me a while to figure out and I needed to re-trace my steps. We had a password, but no username. Ah! We don't need one. We can use this password to extract the file(s) from aa.jpg.


steghide extract -sf aa.jpg

and entering the password from the previous step revealed a file called I extracted the files and took a look inside. Now, we had a password, but no username:


I tried logging in as slade and vigilante - the former of the two worked:

user.txt is here, in slade's home directory.


Getting root.txt

Now, I ran: "sudo -l"


Awesome! We can run /usr/bin/pkexec as root. But, what is pkexec? Who cares, off to gtfobins, right?!


Oh. Ok. Nevermind. Umm. What does pkexec do?


Oh really? Nice! I first looked at what the name of the flag was in /root , and then read the command. CTF complete! Or was it?


Getting a Reverse-Shell

I decided it wasn't complete until I got my root shell:


I set up my listener and awaited my connection:


And, we're root!

Key takeaway points from this box:

Really enjoyed the box. Thanks to the box-creator for this one!!

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